All systems are operational

Stickied Incidents

29th May 2023

SBR Lodgement ATO Lodgements

The ATO's Cloud Lodgement System is currently experiencing intermittent issues which are impacting ATO SMSF Lodgments, validations, and SuperStream services. The latest ATO updates can be found here []

2nd February 2023

ATO - Issues with SBR and online services

The ATO has reported that they are currently experiencing systems issues that may impact your ability to connect to SBR, Online services and to ATO Online Channels

  • 14:28 AEDT

    Good afternoon

    The severe degradation earlier today may have resulted in some DSPs and/or their clients from connecting with SBR services and other ATO online services. The degradation has now subsided, and usual experiences restored, although there remains a small possibility of some minor recurrences.

    We are continuing to closely monitor and investigate the performance of our systems and will provide ongoing updates on the Unplanned system issues page.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Australian Taxation Office

  • 7th June 2022

    Simple Fund 360 CoreLogic Property Valuations

    We are aware that there is an issue loading the CoreLogic URL on all web browsers (except Internet Explorer). We are currently in contact with CoreLogic about this and look to have this addressed as soon as possible. Thanks.

    Past Incidents

    27th March 2024

    No incidents reported

    26th March 2024

    No incidents reported

    25th March 2024

    No incidents reported

    24th March 2024

    No incidents reported

    23rd March 2024

    No incidents reported

    22nd March 2024

    No incidents reported

    21st March 2024

    No incidents reported